Wastewater Publications

General Information

Ammonia Hydroxide Safety

Calculating Wastewater Treatment Rates for Supernatant

Capacity Analysis Report Example

Alternative Disposal Numeric Nutient Criteria

Cl WW Operators Chlorine Handbook

Complete 10 HP VFD Instructions

Communications for an Emergencey Event

Constructing a VFD Control Box

DEP Fee Information Guidance:

Energy Reduction Planning for Utilities

Enterprise Fund Transfers

Flood Brochure

Florida Energy Water Project

Grit and Sand Removal Process

How to Calculate Biosolids Quality

Math for Wastewater Operators

Mercury BMPs for Dental Offices

Mercury BMPs for Hospitals

Mercury BMPs for Schools

Pipe Color Coding

Nitrogen Control in WWTPs

Nitrogen Removal Processes

Power Outages Contingency Plan/Power Outage Contigency Plan Checklist (under construction)

Production and Control of Disinfection

Public Access Reuse for Small WWTPs

Public Access Reuse for WWTPs < 100,000 GPD

Recovery Following Biological Incident

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan/Word

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan/PDF

Sewer Tool Kit

SOPs for Flood Prep and Response

Supernant Treatment Rates

Treatment Recommendations for Small & Medium Utilities

Water and Wastewater Planning

Collection Systems Resources (under Construction)

Power Outage Contingency Plan

CSAP Annual Report Template (Draft)

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan (Draft)

WW Collection Systems O&M Manual (Draft)

Sewer Tool Kit Models

Sewer Tool Kit Forms

Public Education

Wastewater Publication

Collection System Action Plan Template

Fat, Oil, Grease Standards (Draft)


Wastewater Certification Manual

Nitrogen Control I

Nitrogen Control II

Nitrogen Control III

WW Collection Systems Operation and Maintenance

WW Operation and Maintenance

WW Maintenance Recommendations


Biosolids Annual Summary Form

Biosolids DMR

Contract Operators Checklist

DBP System Evalution Form

Engineering Proposal Evaluation Form

ERP Template

Flood Checklists

I & I Information for Systems

Manhole Inspection Form

Liquid Smoke Information

Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan

Smoke Testing Agreement

Smoke Testing Notice

Smoke Testing Notice Spanish

Smoke Testing Door Hanger Sample

Utility Proposal Form

Video Inspection Agreement


Capacity Charges Impact Fees

Choosing the Right Engineer

Disconnection/Reconnection Fees

Energy Reduction Planning for Utilities

Enterprise Fund Transfers

What is an Enterprise Fund?


Full Cost Pricing

Impending Infrastructure Expenditure Gap

Public Relation Ideas


​DEP Book of Forms

DEP Book of Rules

DEP WW Guidelines and Manuals

DEP O&M Performance Reports

DEP 62-600

DEP 62-601


​Revised Total Coliform Rule

Level 1 Assessment

Level 2 Asssessment