About FRWA
What is the Florida Rural Water Association...
The Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) was originally formed for the benefit of small water and wastewater systems throughout Florida. We now serve all systems, large and small. We are a nonprofit, non-regulatory professional association. We are not a government agency. Our primary purpose is to assist water and wastewater systems with every phase of the water and wastewater operations. Our Active members consist of public water and wastewater systems, such as counties, municipalities, associations, districts, mobile home parks, schools, authorities, etc. Our seven board of directors are elected from the membership at our Annual Business Meeting.
For more information on membership, click here for a membership brochure.
Drinking Water Section Services
FRWA employees professional field personnel, called “Circuit Riders”, who assist water systems in every phase of operations, maintenance, and management. These professionals, located throughout the state, are available to assist your system, onsite, with water treatment, water distribution, water quality, and compliance concerns at no charge. Equipment is available to members on loan or through use by our “Circuit Riders” at no charge. In fact, membership money is used to purchase Association equipment for member use. Your membership dues are put to work for you! FRWA has hundreds of thousands of dollars of water-related technical assistance equipment available to you. Examples of some of the equipment are computerized and sonic leak detectors, plastic and metal line locators (ground penetrating radar), ultrasonic meter testers, generators, water treatment and distribution system testing equipment, etc. For more information on the Drinking Water Services that FRWA offers, click here.
Wastewater Section Services
The Association has five wastewater professionals in the field to provide technical assistance services to your wastewater system. These technicians can assist with troubleshooting, consulting, and correcting wastewater treatment, collections, and disposal concerns. FRWA maintains an extensive inventory of wastewater diagnostics, testing, and troubleshooting equipment which is available to our members either by loan or use by FRWA Wastewater Professionals at your system, such as video camera inspection system for collection lines, smoke blowers, flow and meter testing devices, lab and testing equipment, computers, and computer diagnostic software, etc. The Association’s Wastewater Section personnel and equipment can save your system thousands of dollars. For more information on the services we provide, click here.
Groundwater Protection Services/Source Water Protection
This section employs five professionals with expertise in areas to assist your system, protect your water supplies, troubleshoot and correct well-related problems, and generally improve Florida’s water resource outlook and future. FRWA’s groundwater/source water specialists can design and assist you in adopting an adequate groundwater protection plan, solve well-related bacteriological problems, or improve source water efficiencies and withdrawals. Wellhead protection plans developed by other consultants and other service providers can cost over $10,000, but are available at no charge to FRWA members. For more information on obtaining a sourcewater or well head protection plan, click here.
Engineering Services
FRWA employs a full time Professional Engineer with over 25 years of experience in the water and wastewater utility business. He is on staff to assist you with the comparison and evaluation of possible courses of conduct, followed by the actions, decisions, or recommendations once the various possibilities have been considered. He can provide assistance related to management policies or general business operations of rural and small water systems, including all areas of operation, maintenance, management, compliance, potential compliance, health, and environmental issues. For more information on our Engineering Services, click here.