Risk and Resilience Vulnerability Assessment Program

There is still time to do the vulnerability assessment in order to meet the EPA’s deadline. We are promoting that the Assessment reports be done earlier than later though to avoid the rush caused by pent up demand. Delaying Reports until the due date is common and the overload will cause delays and disappointments as we realize we will not be able to do all the plants in Florida as the deadline draws near.

The following is the deadline ruling which is introduced as follows. We will assist plants that service populations of greater than 10,000 up until January 1st 2020. After January 1st 2020 we must concentrate on the smaller systems that service populations of 3,300 but less than 50,000.

Each community water system shall submit to the EPA administrator a certification that the system has conducted an assessment complying with the “Risk and Resilience” Vulnerability Assessment Program. (It is not required that the reports be submitted to the EPA, only that a certified statement that your system has conducted the assessment.) The form is available by clicking here. This link also has the Emergency Response Plan certification statement which requires that this form must be submitted within a 6 month window after submitting the certificate of the risk and resilience vulnerability assessment report.

You may e-mail your signed copy to the EPA at awiasupport@epacdx.net
mail a signed copy to U.S. EPA at the following address:
U.S. EPA Data Process Center
Atten: AWIA
C/O CGI Federal
12601 Fair Lakes Circle
Fairfax, VA 22033

For assistance in doing your Risk & Resilience Vulnerability Assessment or the Emergency Response Plan please contact Dean Cutshaw with FRWA by calling 850.668.2746 or via e-mail at Dean@frwa.net.