Membership Information
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FRWA offers three types of membership: Active (Systems), Associate (Vendor), and Individual (Member System Employees). For more information on the three types of membership, see below. To become a member of FRWA simply complete the online registration by selecting a member type below or contact FRWA for more information.
Active Membership
Dues for this membership are a total of a $144.00 base rate $.35 per water and wastewater connection (meaning meters, lots, homes, etc). The maximum amount of annual dues in each category (regardless of the amount of connections) are: Water Only-$472.30, Wastewater Only-$403.18, and Water/Wastewater-$645.09. To print out a member application and pay by check, click here. To pay by credit card, click on the button below.
This membership category is designed for water and wastewater systems throughout the state. This is Florida Rural Water Associations’ only voting membership.
Member Benefits:
- Regulatory Representation
- Monitor Legislation at State and Federal Level
- Promotion of Funding for Projects
- FRWA Annual Conference
- Voting Privilege at Annual Membership Meeting
- Member of the National Rural Water Association
- On-site Assistance to Your Site at No Charge
- Rate Structure Development
- Training Sessions and Manuals
- Operator Certification Materials and Review Sessions
- Wellhead Protection Plan Development
- Resource Library Available Upon Request (books, slide presentations, videos)
- 800 Telephone Number
- NRWA Magazine
- Quarterly Newsletter
- FRWA Membership Directory
- Weekly eNews
- Access to FRWA Equipment
Associate Membership
This membership category is designed for vendors and service-oriented companies. Benefits include advertising in our quarterly magazine, your company and link to your website posted on our website, discounts on exhibition space at our conferences, and your company listed in the FRWA Membership Directory and posted on our website. Associate Membership dues are $201.60 on an annual basis. To print out a member application and pay by check, click here. To pay by credit card, click on the button below.
Member Benefits:
- Membership Directory
- Numerous Training Sessions Each Year
- Legislative and Regulatory Representation for the Industry Over 400 Systems Visited Per Month
- Promotion of Funding for Projects (FRWA Financing Programs)
- North Florida Conference with Alabama Rural Water
- One Active Member List or Labels Per Year Available Upon Request
- Annual Conference (Must be Associate Member) Newsletter Advertising (Must be Associate Member)
- Company Listed on FRWA Website and Linked to Your Website When You Have One