FRWA Joins the Florida Partnership for Forests and Water
FPFW is a collaborative effort focused on the management and protection of forests as a means to ensure local communities have clean, abundant drinking water.
Florida Rural Water Association has joined The Florida Partnership for Forests & Water (FPFW). FPFW is a collaborative effort focused on the management and protection of forests as a means to ensure local communities have clean, abundant drinking water. FPFW convenes agencies, NGOs, landowners, utilities, and other stakeholders to discuss the environmental, social, and economic benefits provided by healthy, managed forests and to promote and support forest management and conservation to improve and protect source water.
• Protect or expand healthy forests in drinking water source watersheds.
• Improve water quality and quantity through healthy forest retention and stewardship.
• Promote the understanding that sustainably managed forests are the best land use for overall watershed health.
• Identify watersheds and initiatives that have high potential for cooperative forest conservation and long-term stewardship.
• Explore pilot projects to implement creative long-term stewardship strategies such as payments for ecosystem services programs and forestry best management practices that demonstrate the interdependence of healthy forests and drinking water.
Florida Partnership for Forests & Water is hosted by Florida Rural Water Association ( Partners hold monthly virtual calls and an annual FL Forests & Water Forum. To join, contact KC Bell (