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Construction Management 101/Cairo GA/012522

This training will provide a better understanding of construction project m

Tuesday, January 25, 2022
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EST)
10 Seats Remaining

Event Details

This training will provide a better understanding of construction project management / inspection process from beginning to completion. This training discusses the process, challenges, and onsite inspection in working with the design engineer and contractor to produce a functionally and financially viable project, such a water or wastewater treatment plant expansion, pipeline replacement/extension, or other public work construction project.

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From I-10 Take US 319N/Thomasville Hwy towards Thomasville Ga. Travel 13.4 miles and turn left onto GA-93 towards Cairo Ga. Travel 12.5 miles and turn left onto 1st Ave. NE. In 100 yards turn right onto 4th Street NE. The facility is on the corner of 4th St. and 2nd St. It is the large grey building.