Lead and Copper in Schools
Florida's Voluntary Lead Testing Program for Schools and Childcare Facilities
Dissolved lead particles in drinking water are colorless and tasteless and may be found in plumbing materials used to supply drinking water. The only way to know if lead is in drinking water is to test for it.
According to the Department of Health, even low levels of lead exposure in children contribute to behavior and learning issues.
To avoid these adverse effects, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has created a Voluntary Lead Testing Program for Schools and Childcare Facilities. The program allows all Florida licensed childcare facilities, public, charter, and tribal schools to participate at no cost. Some of the benefits of participation include free sampling and analysis, educational materials, and guidance for responding to elevated levels.
To find out more information please contact us at 850-245-8486 or via email at PWS@dep.state.fl.us.
For more information on the Lead and Copper in Schools program, click here.